点评:The Florida Museum of Natural History is a nice museum located on the University of Florida campus.
Admission is free (fee charged for the butterfly rainforest). Confirm hours and parking fees before visit. Parking was free during holiday weekend in parking lot that might be limited to students and staff during weekdays. We spent one hour at the museum. Although the museum is located on a university campus, I feel its target audience is families with young and pre-teen children.
There are a wide range of exhibits - highlights include a large room of fossils (scary giant sloth skeletons - many of the skeletons appear to be casts of fossils), a recreated marsh, life size and oversized dioramas and a thatched building staging a Calusa ceremony. There is also a two story butterfly aviary attached to museum (it was too cold to see the butterflies who were keeping warm instead of flying around the aviary). A large play area is set aside for toddlers and young children.
展品种类繁多 - 亮点包括一间大化石室(可怕的巨型树懒骨架 - 许多骨架看起来像是化石的铸模)、重建的沼泽、真人大小和超大立体模型以及举办卡卢萨仪式的茅草屋。博物馆旁边还有一个两层的蝴蝶鸟舍(天气太冷,看不到蝴蝶在取暖,而不是在鸟舍里飞来飞去)。为幼儿和儿童留出了一个大型游乐区。