点评:My husband and I booked a tour with Rocky Bay tours prior to our cruise. We had a little difficulty locating the tour bus (mainly as we were looking for Milne Bay tours, due to confusion about the company name) and then were given the remaining 2 seats on the bus. A second bus had been organised for the remainder of those who had booked and those guests were delayed in their departure. This was the only negative aspect that we experienced and we were glad we made it on to the first bus. The tour itself was amazing and we thoroughly enjoyed the hospitality we experienced at the village. It felt like a ‘real’ experience of village life and not something contrived for tourists. There was no hawking of goods or attempts to extract additional money from us. The people, from young kids to teenagers to adults did everything possible to help us enjoy the experience, such as assisting us into the water for snorkeling, providing a tub of water for rinsing off after swimming, ensuring we had plenty to eat etc. I’d recommend taking reef shoes if planning to snorkel as the reef is close to shore and hard to walk on to reach water deep enough to swim in. What the villagers have done in organising these tours is an example of a community with few resources banding together in a very clever , well planned enterprise that benefits the whole village. It is a credit to their resourcefulness and I highly recommend this tour to visitors to the Alotau region.
翻译:我和丈夫在乘船之前预订了 Rocky Bay 旅游公司的旅游。我们费了点劲才找到旅游巴士(主要是因为我们在找 Milne Bay 旅游公司,因为对公司名称感到困惑),然后他们给了我们巴士上剩下的两个座位。他们为剩下的预订者安排了第二辆巴士,这些客人的出发时间被延误了。这是我们遇到的唯一负面情况,我们很高兴上了第一辆巴士。这次旅行本身很棒,我们非常享受在村庄受到的热情款待。感觉就像是一次“真正的”乡村生活体验,而不是为游客准备的。没有人兜售商品,也没有试图从我们身上榨取额外的钱。从小孩到青少年再到成年人,人们尽一切可能帮助我们享受这次体验,比如帮助我们下水浮潜,游泳后给我们一桶水让我们冲洗,确保我们有足够的食物等等。如果计划浮潜,我建议带上礁石鞋,因为礁石靠近海岸,很难走到足够深的水中游泳。村民们组织这些旅游的举动是一个典型例子,一个资源匮乏的社区团结起来,开展一项非常聪明、计划周密的事业,让整个村庄受益。这是对他们足智多谋的赞扬,我强烈推荐阿洛陶地区的游客参加这次旅游。