点评:Advertise ‘spa packages’ this place has never seen a spa! At best it is the same as any other council owned leisure centre.
The ‘thermal area’ comprises of a jacuzzi not much bigger than the one in my back garden, a steam room and sauna all at the side of the pool. The relaxing experience we expected when purchasing a spa experience was none existent.
We were in and out in around 1 hour 45 mins inc the three treatments!
The two plastic deck chairs provided pool side are a bit pointless for an over crowded leisure centre that was running exercise classes in the pool. The showers provided comprise of three shower heads at the side of the pool, these are open for all who are using the facilities so no privacy at all.
When we arrived we asked for robes and towels which are available at all of the spa days i have booked before and we were told we could ‘loan’ some for £10 per person plus a £10 deposit. Why a deposit was necessary is beyond me as I would have been mad if i found them, crunchy as a ryvita, greyish in colour (used to be white) and threads hanging from all of the seams. We questioned the charge and explained we have never had to pay for this service before and the guy informed us ‘we aren’t a spa we are a leisure centre’ this confirmed what we already suspected, the advertised ‘spa package’ was a complete rouse to encourage people to purchase!
我们花了大约 1 小时 45 分钟进出,包括三次护理!
当我们到达时,我们要了浴袍和毛巾,我之前预订的所有水疗日都有这些浴袍和毛巾,我们被告知我们可以“借”一些,每人 10 英镑,外加 10 英镑的押金。为什么需要押金,我实在搞不懂,如果我发现它们像 Ryvita 一样脆,颜色呈灰色(以前是白色的),而且所有接缝处都挂着线头,我肯定会生气的。我们质疑收费,并解释说我们以前从未为这项服务付过钱,那个人告诉我们“我们不是水疗中心,我们是休闲中心”,这证实了我们已经怀疑的事情,广告中宣传的“水疗套餐”完全是为了鼓励人们购买!