点评:Like the others reviewing the Chorotega Arts & Crafts museum in San Rafael I too believe it is a must visit destination in the Monteverde area.
This is not a souvenir stand, per se. It’s more like a history lesson from a man who is proud of his Chorotega heritage and is working hard to keep it alive. Marcelo does everything to make his one-of-a-kind pieces. He climbs 3-4 kilometers up the mountains to dig up his clay and iguana sand. He will then dry the clay and process it into a powder-like substance in a giant pestle and mortar-type of “tool.” He uses no modern tools, everything is done by hand, in keeping with the original traditions. Stop by and let Marcelo explain the rest to you. It is well worth it.
After driving past the site on several visits, we decided to stop a few years back. I feel with Marcelo’s passion about his work and wanting to keep the Chorotega way live.
Now if I’m in Monteverde, Marcelo’s is a must stop place Last year I hitchhiked (I am in no way recommending it) and had no problems. This year I took a cab ($25) out and caught the bus coming back for 1,000 colones.
翻译:和其他评论圣拉斐尔 Chorotega 艺术与手工艺博物馆的人一样,我也认为它是蒙特维多地区必游之地。
本质上,这不是一个纪念品摊位。它更像是一个历史课,来自一个为自己的 Chorotega 传统感到自豪并努力保持它活力的人。Marcelo 竭尽全力制作他独一无二的作品。他爬上 3-4 公里的山去挖他的粘土和鬣蜥沙。然后,他会将粘土烘干,并用一个巨大的杵和研钵式“工具”将其加工成粉末状物质。他不使用任何现代工具,一切都是手工完成的,符合原始传统。停下来让 Marcelo 向您解释其余的内容。这是非常值得的。
在多次开车经过该地点后,我们决定在几年前停下来。我感受到 Marcelo 对他的工作的热情,并希望保持 Chorotega 的方式。
现在,如果我在蒙特韦德,Marcelo’s 是必经之地。去年我搭便车(我绝不推荐这样做),没有遇到任何问题。今年我打车(25 美元)出去,然后花 1,000 科朗坐公交车回来。