点评:Completion of building of the outer harbour wall of Megavissey Port was in 1888 but, three years later, it was partially destroyed in the Great Blizzard of 1891 (a March storm which claimed the lives of 210 people and an estimated 6,000 animals). The rebuilding of the wall was completed by 1897 and, today, it is a pleasant enough walk (along a road which is both wheelchair and pushchair friendly) to the lighthouse at the end. Here there are views both along the coast and also back into the picturesque Mevagissey Port. But that is all there is. There is one refreshment outlet but the only seating is inside a cut-up container (all other refreshment outlets and toilets are back in the town). Be careful if you do walk along the road because it is also the access road to a car park and it is not all that wide
翻译:梅加维西港外港墙于 1888 年建成,但三年后,它在 1891 年的大暴风雪中被部分摧毁(三月的一场风暴夺走了 210 人的生命,估计有 6,000 只动物丧生)。墙的重建于 1897 年完成,今天,沿着一条适合轮椅和婴儿车的道路步行到尽头的灯塔是一段相当愉快的旅程。在这里,既可以欣赏到海岸的景色,也可以欣赏到风景如画的梅瓦吉西港。但这就是全部了。这里有一家小吃店,但唯一的座位在一个切开的容器里(所有其他小吃店和厕所都在镇上)。如果您沿着这条路走,请小心,因为它也是通往停车场的通道,而且不是那么宽