点评:I discovered this place online last year when they had a flood and needed funds to help rebuild. I have been following them ever since and FINALLY got to go in person yesterday. I brought a whole lotta fresh apples that I picked form a neighbor's tree and it was a treat for ME to pet a cow, see the beautiful pigs and pet some of them too! and sheep and lambs and goats oh my! They all need our help. And donations of soap, toys, food and $ to help them continue to do good for these beauty's. I enjoyed meeting Lauren and Kate, our tour guides. They taught me a few things I did not know....for instance, horses are NOT supposed to be ridden or carry weight over 40#. Did you know that? I also learned that sheep have been bred to NOT SHED so humans can shave them for their wool. Hmmmm. What have we done to animals?
PLEASE take some time and go for a visit. It's not far from Denver at all. Worth a trip :-)
翻译:去年,他们遭遇洪水,需要资金重建,我在网上发现了这个地方。从那时起,我就一直关注着他们,昨天终于亲自去了一趟。我带了一大堆从邻居家树上摘的新鲜苹果,抚摸一头牛,看看漂亮的猪,抚摸其中几只,对我来说是一种享受!还有绵羊、羔羊和山羊,天哪!它们都需要我们的帮助。捐赠肥皂、玩具、食物和金钱,帮助它们继续为这些美丽的动物做好事。我很高兴见到我们的导游劳伦和凯特。他们教了我一些我不知道的事情……例如,马不应该被骑,也不应该承载超过 40 磅的重量。你知道吗?我还了解到,绵羊被培育成不脱毛,这样人类就可以把它们剃毛。嗯。我们对动物做了什么?
请花点时间去参观一下。离丹佛一点也不远。值得一游 :-)