点评:The Stone Bridge is a bridge that crosses the Onyar as it passes through the city of Girona that is part of the Inventory of the Architectural Heritage of Catalonia. It is a bridge built with stone and without many ornamental elements. It has three lower arches, which rest on two central pillars, with rounded stems. The set is about 65 m long and 10 m wide. The sidewalks are with stone slabs and the pavement with brambles. The railings are also solid stone carved.
The current stone bridge was part of the road from Madrid to France. He was styled by the Spanish State and he was given the name of Isabel II. I replaced the previous bridge of the fourteenth century, which was also of stone and was known as San Francisco. The project, carried out in 1849, is from the German engineer Constantí. The works began in June 1850 under the direction of engineer Víctor Martí. In 1852 the works were paralyzed at the height of the pillars. In 1854 they resumed under the direction of Josep Maria Faquinetto. On June 29, 1856, he was solemnly inaugurated.
翻译:石桥是一座横跨奥尼亚河的桥,穿过赫罗纳市,是加泰罗尼亚建筑遗产清单的一部分。这是一座用石头建造的桥,没有太多装饰元素。它有三个下拱,支撑在两个中央柱子上,柱杆呈圆形。桥长约 65 米,宽 10 米。人行道铺有石板,路面铺有荆棘。栏杆也是用坚固的石头雕刻而成的。
目前的石桥是从马德里到法国的道路的一部分。它由西班牙政府设计,并被命名为伊莎贝尔二世。它取代了之前十四世纪的桥梁,那座桥也是石桥,被称为圣弗朗西斯科。该项目于 1849 年实施,由德国工程师康斯坦蒂设计。工程于 1850 年 6 月在工程师维克多·马蒂的指导下开始。 1852 年,由于柱子太高,工程一度瘫痪。1854 年,在 Josep Maria Faquinetto 的领导下,工程恢复。1856 年 6 月 29 日,他举行了隆重的落成典礼。