点评:Wednesday 15th January, was the first time we walked here , Royalton Grenada where we stayed from 12th to 26th January.
Here is located at the far end of the beach beyond the section reserved for the Hotel's Diamond Club guests.
At one end of this beach, nearest the Hotel, there was a small beach bar hut, The Shack. It was closed up when we were here, don't think it has been open in a long while.
At this end of the beach there was nothing here, visitors spread their towels and beach mats on the golden sand or sat on the beach chairs they brought with them. The only shade was provided by the large leafed trees along the beach.
At the far end of the beach by the cliffs and rocks is the Aquarium bar/restaurant, with it's two storeys and wooden veranda. There are a number of sunbeds here for their customers to use.
Towards the rear of the beach there was a car park, from here the narrow road, concrete strip, led back up to the main road.
At the time of our visit the beach was almost deserted, the noisiest thing was the waves of the Caribbean Sea rolling on to the beach.
翻译:1 月 15 日星期三,我们第一次来到这里,Royalton Grenada 酒店,我们从 1 月 12 日住到 26 日。
在这片海滩的一端,离酒店最近的地方,有一个小海滩酒吧小屋,The Shack。我们来的时候它已经关门了,我想它已经很久没开张了。