World Heritage - The Barsana Wooden Church.
Church of the Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple的点评
点评:Built in 1711 - and moved to this area in the mid 1800 - to have it preserved and safe (since the monastery was closed by the Austro-Hungarian authorities after the revolution of 1848-49) ... the Wooden Church of Barsana " The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple" is one of the those churches that is today on the UNESCO word heritage list.
Build entirely of wood , no nails used on the walls , tower and roofing it is standing a memento to the craftmanship of the people of Maramures. If you walk around it on the outside - you will see the typical motives of Maramures represented ... just have to look.
Visiting is not free of charge - but you only pay 1 Euro to visit this place - and if you find it closed - you can call the phone number on display there.
The interior is painted in the 1700's as well - and it is largely preserved in its original state - and the decorations of the inner walls are in their vast majority inspired by the Bible.
Overall a very interesting church to visit - a must see from my perspective - so when you are in the area , just stop here for a few minutes and some pics - definitely worth it.
翻译:建于 1711 年,并于 1800 年中期迁至该地区,以保护其安全(自 1848-49 年革命后奥匈帝国当局关闭修道院以来)......巴尔萨纳木制教堂“圣母在圣殿中的展示”是今天被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录的教堂之一。
它完全由木头建造,墙壁、塔楼和屋顶上没有使用钉子,它是马拉穆列什人民手工艺的纪念品。如果你在外面绕着它走一圈 - 你会看到马拉穆列什所代表的典型动机......只需看看。
参观不是免费的 - 但您只需支付 1 欧元即可参观这个地方 - 如果您发现它已关闭 - 您可以拨打那里显示的电话号码。
内部也于 1700 年代进行了粉刷,大部分都保留了原来的状态,内墙的装饰绝大多数是受到《圣经》的启发。
总的来说,这是一个非常有趣的教堂 - 从我的角度来看,这是一个必须参观的地方 - 所以当你在该地区时,只需在这里停留几分钟并拍一些照片 - 绝对值得。