点评:Sadly this was not worth the visit.
Rocked up and the price was double what others had said it was. I paid anyway as I was already there.
They asked if I had a torch and I asked if the one on my phone would work, they nodded and sent me on my way.
The walk there is pretty … nice plants etc.
The lava tube itself is okay, but my torch shone about 1cm ahead of me and that was it.
You need a proper torch if you want to go in.
The sign also said I needed a tour guide if I wanted to go in … this wasn’t mentioned or offered to me at any point!
I went in about 20 meters and didn’t go any further! You need proper walking shoes, a good torch and possibly a tour guide to do this properly!
It is utterly full of bats, so if you have any fear of bats do not go here!
In the 20 meters I ventured in I was swooped by endless bats!
This is the lowest place on my recommendations lost of places to visit in Savai’i
熔岩管本身还可以,但我的手电筒只照了我前面 1 厘米左右,仅此而已。
标牌上还说,如果我想进去,我需要一个导游…… 这一点在任何时候都没有提到或提供给我!
我走了大约 20 米,没有再往前走! 你需要一双合适的步行鞋、一个好的手电筒,可能还需要一个导游才能做好这件事!
在我冒险的 20 米内,无数蝙蝠向我扑来!