点评:I was really disappointed with the beauty offerings , cried all morning of my wedding day. I had a trial with my hair and make up artist and didn’t like it. Tried to explain that I didn’t like the trial and what I wanted different, on the wedding day and somehow looked worse. I was also 1 hour over the allotted time and I felt so stress and rushed even when I was early to my appointment. I wanted to use outside hair and make up but they wanted to charge a $600 usd vendor fee before service so was going to cost over $1000 . I even asked to have someone come and tan me for 15 mins , as they didn’t offer spray tans at the spa, and they wanted to charge the same amount. Really dampened my day. If you care about hair and make up for your wedding day , go offsite or pay the vendor fee. All the bridesmaids were disappointed . Looks were very outdated and felt cringey.
翻译:我对美容产品真的很失望,婚礼当天整个早上都在哭。我尝试过我的头发和化妆师,但不喜欢。试图解释我不喜欢这次审判,以及我想要什么不同,在婚礼当天,不知何故看起来更糟。我也比规定的时间晚了 1 个小时,即使我提前到了预约,我也感到压力很大,而且很匆忙。我想使用外面的头发和化妆品,但他们想在服务前收取 600 美元的供应商费用,因此费用将超过 1000 美元。我什至要求有人来给我晒黑 15 分钟,因为他们在水疗中心不提供晒黑喷雾,而且他们想要收取同样的费用。真的让我的一天很沮丧。如果您关心头发并在婚礼当天化妆,请前往异地或支付供应商费用。所有的伴娘们都很失望。看起来非常过时,感觉很尴尬。