Gorgeous, wonderful stained glass
Mary of the Rosary Roman Catholic Church的点评
点评:St. Mary of the Rosary Church is right next to the Royal Abbey of Cong, and it is a great place to pop into if you are visiting the abbey. (It is also quite close to The Quiet Man statue.) The church itself was built in the DMV-inspired style of far too many modern Catholic church buildings, but there has been a clear effort to make the space inside calm and sacred. When we visited, there were nice candles, music playing, and flowers.
The main reason to come into this church (aside from sacred liturgy), however, is not the flowers-in-a-bomb-shelter-esque ambience, but for the magnificent Harry Clarke stained glass windows at the front of the church. There are two rows of this magnificent stained glass, awe-inspiringly beautiful, with rich colors, exquisite detail, and a sacred-art-yet-lifelike idiom that is very inspiring. These windows are absolutely beautiful, and one is permitted to come right up to them, and really see them up close, as well as from a normal stained glass distance.
翻译:玫瑰经教会的圣玛丽就在皇家座旁边的皇家修道院旁边,如果您正在访问修道院,这是一个很好的地方(它也很接近安静的人雕像。然而,除了神圣的礼仪之外,不是炸弹般的氛围,而是教堂前面的宏伟的哈里·克拉克(Harry Clarke)彩色的玻璃窗。这些窗户非常漂亮,人们可以直接靠近,近距离观看,就像从普通彩色玻璃的距离观看一样。