点评:Sips with sloths was the experience I went for. The energy of the whole experience was delightful. The staff was friendly and knowledgeable. I was impressed with their ability to be in the heat so long& still be upbeat. My heart was also happy at seeing the protection of the animals: a baby was taken out of the exhibit to avoid being stressed& another was given some run around time to decompress after an encounter. It's nice to see young people acting as guardians for other living beings🙏 Oh& as much as I'd love to hug a sloth, it's not permissable due to the integrity of the sloth's micro biome. Boo for me, Yay for the health of the sloth! 👏
I was able to bring in my own frozen water bottle (thanks, y'all), and they also had a gift shop with cold drinks& a/c. Water fountains and restrooms were right in front. There were more animals than I anticipated. It's worth another trip 😊