点评:It's a pretty doable hike if you just work out a little. If you are totally untrained and don't have any stamina it will be harder. I'm a smoker and a bit heavier, but not untrained. My first advice don't smoke before ;). It took us about 3 hours and 40 minutes from bottom to top and back. Included a few brakes and making photos. Make sure you have hiking shoes, about 2 liters of water and think twice about going when it rains. The path is pretty okay, climbing a bit sometimes but when it rains i can imagine its harder. The best advice i can give you is goed early! We started at 6am at 22 degrees and ended around 10 with 26/27 degrees which you really noticed. Yeah it's humid but you'll be okay. It's all worth it, the view is amazing!
And if you go early you have a chance to see a lot of great stuff. We saw monkeys and a big Malaysia forest scorpion.
翻译:只要稍微锻炼一下,徒步还是可以完成的。如果你完全没有受过训练,也没有任何耐力,那就更难了。我是个烟鬼,体重也有点重,但不是没有受过训练。我的第一个建议是,以前不要吸烟 ;)。我们从山脚到山顶再返回大约花了 3 小时 40 分钟。包括几次刹车和拍照。确保你穿着登山鞋,带上大约 2 升水,下雨时要三思而后行。这条路还不错,有时爬一点,但我能想象到下雨时会更难。我能给你的最好建议是早点出发!我们早上 6 点开始,气温为 22 度,晚上 10 点左右结束,气温为 26/27 度,你真的注意到了。是的,很潮湿,但你会没事的。一切都值得,景色太美了!