Before you start walking, get your maps from the Tourist Information office FIRST!
Oficina Municipal de Turisme的点评
点评:I generally make it a point in new places I visit to check with the Tourism office first. It saves so much time rather than wandering around.
They are very helpful if you ask pointed questions like "I've only got 1 hour in BEsalu. Can you recommend what I can see to make the best use of my time here?"
The staff are great resources and can give you the insider info and shortcuts to things on your wishlist too. They can also tell you what to avoid as taking too long and not worth it unless visiting for longer periods.
They had a easy-to-read map on a double-sided sheet with info on each main attraction on the back in different languages including English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Make a beeline for this Tourism office as you arrive into Besalu. Easy to find as they are just next to the main carpark and steps from the bridge into the heart of town.
如果你问一些尖锐的问题,比如“我在贝萨卢只呆 1 个小时。你能推荐我去哪些地方,让我充分利用在这里的时间吗?”,他们会非常乐于助人。