点评:The security guard in Asda in in this mall ook 20 minutes of life of my girlfriend just for the single reason that he was too busy to repeating his nonsenses over and over again and again instead of he would have gone 20 metres to be able to see that she has just took a pricing label from entirely the same t-shirt and stick on the very same t-shirt of her size that she actually purchased.
He caused her massive stress by his massive blunt behaviour, which even caused that she left the t-shirt she actually paid for there and do not want to use it anymore for the massive stress he caused to her, so he essentially caused the fraud as he has not returned her the money she spent on the product she do not want to use any more, because of his behaviour.
She was regular customer for years - it does not seems at all she would go there ever again - well done Mr. Security Guard; keep cracking - money on your wage are well spent!!!
翻译:这个商场里的阿斯达保安偷看了我女朋友 20 分钟的生活,原因很简单,他太忙了,没时间一遍又一遍地重复他的废话,相反,他会走 20 米远去看她刚刚从完全相同的 T 恤上取下价格标签,并贴在她实际购买的相同尺寸的 T 恤上。
他用他那粗鲁的行为给她造成了巨大的压力,甚至导致她把她实际付款的 T 恤留在那里,并且不想再穿了,因为他给她造成了巨大的压力,所以他本质上造成了欺诈,因为他没有退还她花在她不想再使用的产品上的钱,因为他的行为。
多年来她一直是这里的常客 - 看来她再也不会去那里了 - 保安先生,干得好;继续努力 - 你的工资花得值!!!