点评:We thoroughly enjoyed the exhibition about Leonardo Da Vinci as artist, engineer, and gourmet in the famous Calatrava railway station of Liège. In the section about Da Vinci as an artist, we learned a lot about his use of the techniques of “sfumato” and “chiaroscuro” by studying reproductions of famous paintings. Of course we didn’t expect to see “real” paintings, knowing that Leonardo's Salvator Mundi fetched 450 million dollars at auction in New York and the Mona Lisa is estimated at 700 million dollars. The section on Da Vinci as an engineer presented an interesting mix of facsimiles of his drawings, wooden models constructed on the basis of the sketches, and interactive exhibits we could touch to study the functioning of some of his simpler inventions. The last part, about Da Vinci as a gourmet, was the most surprising. It presented a large kitchen he designed for the house of a friend and showed how he introduced elements of Italian Renaissance gastronomy in France while staying at the Château of Clos Lucé in the Loire Valley. There were also several corners with activities for (not too small) children, like learning the mirror writing used by Leonardo, colouring a picture of the Mona Lisa, or constructing a bridge with wooden sticks
翻译:我们非常享受在列日著名的卡拉特拉瓦火车站举办的关于列奥纳多·达·芬奇作为艺术家、工程师和美食家的展览。在关于达·芬奇作为艺术家的部分,我们通过研究名画的复制品,了解了他使用“晕涂法”和“明暗对照法”的很多技巧。当然,我们并不指望能看到“真正的”画作,因为列奥纳多的《救世主》在纽约拍卖会上拍出了 4.5 亿美元,而《蒙娜丽莎》估价为 7 亿美元。关于达·芬奇作为工程师的部分展示了他的绘画复制品、根据草图建造的木制模型以及我们可以触摸的互动展品,这些展品让我们可以研究他的一些简单发明是如何运作的,这些有趣的组合。最后一部分是关于达·芬奇作为美食家的部分,是最令人惊讶的。展览展示了他为朋友家设计的大厨房,以及他在卢瓦尔河谷克洛吕塞城堡居住期间如何将意大利文艺复兴时期的美食元素引入法国。展览还为年龄不小的儿童准备了多个活动角落,例如学习达芬奇使用的镜像书写、为蒙娜丽莎的画作上色或用木棍搭建桥梁