点评:My family and I visited today and had one of the worst experiences out of the few times we've been there.
Starting with one of the young women at the front counter having an attitude when my party of 8 (4 adults and 4 children) including myself were trying to reserve two lanes for an hour.
We get to the lane and try to order our food before starting our game not knowing the game is on an automatic timer, okay no harm, no foul. That was on us. Then we began to bowl, midway through the game the game malfunctions and sets us back for about 5-7 minutes before we were able to continue playing. After advising them of the mishap, we were told that nothing could be done about it. Next, upon finishing up our first game our food finally arrived. Cold fries, one person from my party didn't even get her drink. Around 8 minutes after our food arrived, one of the associates came to our table asking that we "relocate because the lanes are on a waiting list", which I understand, however after explaining that we had just received our food, she disregarded what was said to her and once again asked us to "relocate". Mind you we haven't seen our waitress since she had taken our orders - she didn't even give us her name! So when we advised her that we need our check she kept asking who our server was, which was a mystery because she never told us. She wanted me to describe her but the way she asked made me uncomfortable because we had already been having a bad experience and she didn't even show any form of compassion. If this is the kind of business that is being run then I won't recommend anyone spend a dime or drop of their time there. I've had better customer service in a school cafeteria than here.
当我一行 8 人(4 名成人和 4 名儿童)包括我在内试图预留一个小时的两条车道时,前台的一名年轻女性开始表现出态度。
我们到达球道并尝试在开始比赛前点餐,却不知道比赛是自动计时的,好吧,没有伤害,没有犯规。那是我们的责任。然后我们开始打保龄球,在比赛进行到一半时,比赛出现故障,让我们停了大约 5-7 分钟,然后我们才能够继续比赛。在将事故告知他们之后,我们被告知对此无能为力。接下来,在完成我们的第一场比赛后,我们的食物终于到了。冷薯条,我党的一个人甚至没有喝她的酒。在我们的食物到达大约 8 分钟后,一位同事来到我们的餐桌旁,要求我们“搬迁,因为车道在等候名单上”,我理解这一点,但是在解释说我们刚刚收到食物后,她无视了是什么对她说,并再次要求我们“搬迁”。请注意,自从她接受我们的订单以来,我们还没有见过我们的女服务员 - 她甚至没有给我们她的名字!因此,当我们告诉她我们需要支票时,她一直在问我们的服务器是谁,这是一个谜,因为她从未告诉过我们。她想让我描述她,但她问的方式让我不舒服,因为我们已经有过糟糕的经历,而她甚至没有表现出任何形式的同情心。如果这是正在经营的业务,那么我不会建议任何人在那里花一毛钱或一滴时间。我在学校食堂享受到比这里更好的客户服务。