点评:We visited as two women trekkers/travellers and really enjoyed the hot springs. The women’s bathing area was closed, so we decided to wear t-shirts over our swimsuits to be more like the non- western women, who covered themselves more. Some other European women did not but it is a matter of personal preference. The shower area was not dirty or slippery and although we carried sliders we did not use them. The facilities seem well managed and the only rubbish we saw was in the shower area consisting of shampoo sachets and there were few enough to imply they were from today.
The bath was hot (40c + I would suggest) and not slippery and the temperature varied with the bath. Bathers are of all ages. It is forbidden to swim, wash or make excessive noise in the baths and the atmosphere was very pleasant.
We really enjoyed it and found it extremely relaxing and would definitely recommend if like us you are passing.
翻译:我们作为两名女性徒步旅行者/旅行者参观了温泉,真的很享受温泉。女性沐浴区关闭了,所以我们决定在泳衣外面穿 T 恤,这样更像非西方女性,她们会把自己遮得更严实。其他一些欧洲女性没有这样做,但这是个人喜好问题。淋浴区不脏也不滑,虽然我们带了拖鞋,但我们没有使用。设施似乎管理得很好,我们看到的唯一垃圾是在淋浴区,里面有洗发水小袋,而且数量很少,暗示它们是今天的。
浴缸很热(我建议 40 摄氏度以上),不滑,温度随浴缸而变化。沐浴者不分年龄。禁止在浴缸内游泳、洗澡或发出过大的噪音,气氛非常愉快。