点评:Ilman met us at the airport, guided us through Sumbawa Besir, showing us sites and explaining their significance. The following morning, he met us with coffee and snacks at 4 am, escorted us to the boat (equipped with cushions and blankets). An hour later, we reached a fishing platform where he introduced us to the fishing crew and explained their process and how the whale sharks interact with them. Then, magically, one whale shark appeared. Then another. And another. And then a fourth whale shark. Into the water we went, with Ilman! This was a bucket-list experience. We were taken care of so kindly, so professionally, from the moment we landed at the airport until the moment we were dropped back at the airport. Saying goodbye to Ilman was like saying goodbye to a new friend.
翻译:Ilman 在机场接我们,带我们游览了 Sumbawa Besir,向我们展示了一些景点并解释了它们的意义。第二天早上 4 点,他带着咖啡和零食来接我们,并护送我们上了船(船上配有垫子和毯子)。一小时后,我们到达了一个钓鱼平台,他向我们介绍了捕鱼人员,并解释了他们的捕鱼过程以及鲸鲨如何与他们互动。然后,神奇的是,一条鲸鲨出现了。然后是另一条。又一条。然后是第四条鲸鲨。我们和 Ilman 一起下水了!这是一次难忘的经历。从我们降落在机场的那一刻到我们被送回机场的那一刻,我们都受到了如此亲切、如此专业的照顾。和 Ilman 道别就像和一位新朋友道别一样。