点评:This was a great trip. First off the guides - Kate, Abby, Nicole, Jay, Yancey, Becki (sorry if I spelled a name wrong) were the best. They made sure everyone had a good time while also keeping our group of 24 safe. All six were knowledgeable about the Rogue River, patient with kids as young as 7 and old people like me (70 years). I did not hear one complaint from anyone during the four-day rafting trip.
The meals were better than some restaurants I've eaten at. Dinners included salmon with asparagus, chicken fajitas and steak, mashed potatoes and corn on the cob. Breakfasts included french toast, blueberry pancakes and eggs benedict (I could not make eggs benedict at home much less at a campsite without electricity).
Tents, sleeping bags and sleeping pads were clean and comfortable.
The scenery was spectacular.
We stopped once so we could jump off of a 15-foot rock and another time were allowed to swim through a short, easy rapid. There were 3 options for travel each day - either a paddle boat, inflatable kayak or on the gear boat where you just sat and enjoyed the journey.
I highly recommend this trip. It was a four day trip I will never forget.
翻译:这是一次很棒的旅行。首先是导游 - Kate、Abby、Nicole、Jay、Yancey、Becki(如果我拼错了名字,请原谅)是最棒的。他们确保每个人都玩得开心,同时也保证了我们 24 人的团队安全。这六个人都对罗格河了如指掌,对 7 岁的孩子和像我这样的老人(70 岁)都很有耐心。在为期四天的漂流之旅中,我没有听到任何人抱怨。
我们停了一次,以便从 15 英尺高的岩石上跳下来,还有一次被允许游过一条短而平缓的急流。每天有 3 种旅行选择 - 要么是桨船,要么是充气皮划艇,要么是齿轮船,你可以坐在上面享受旅程。