点评:Rented a golf cart from these guys last week. On our way back to port, the golf cart stalled out and died 6 times. What should’ve been a 15-20 minute drive took an hour because we had to wait several minutes before it would start again. We tried calling the number they gave us, but it didn’t work. Nor did the number on their website. One of their employees happened to pass by, stopped and asked us if there was a problem. We explained what was happening. He shrugged his shoulders and drove away leaving us stranded on the side of the road. After we finally made it back to port, we explained what happened to the guy who rented this cart to us and he just shrugged and said I’ll let the mechanic know. No apology. No explanation. Nothing. We weren’t looking for a refund but dang an I’m sorry this happened would’ve been nice. Beware renting from them. If you break down, no one’s coming for you.
翻译:上周从这些人那里租了一辆高尔夫球车。在我们返回港口的路上,高尔夫球车熄火了 6 次。本来应该 15-20 分钟的车程却花了一个小时,因为我们不得不等几分钟才能再次启动。我们试着拨打他们给我们的号码,但打不通。他们网站上的号码也打不通。他们的一名员工碰巧路过,停下来问我们是否有问题。我们解释了发生了什么事。他耸耸肩,开车走了,把我们困在路边。我们终于回到港口后,我们向租这辆车的人解释了发生了什么事,他只是耸耸肩说我会让机械师知道的。没有道歉。没有解释。什么都没有。我们不是想退款,但如果发生这种事,我很抱歉,那就好了。从他们那里租车要小心。如果你的车坏了,没人来接你。