点评:Part of the Main Range national park: have driven the road across Cunningham’s Gap many times and am always taken by the views from the car.
At the top of road, right at the gap proper, is a small car park from which there is access to number of walks in the National Park.
We opted to do the Mt Cordeaux walk, which is a total of 6.8km, 3.4km each way. The rainforest is wonderful, a number of different vegetation types are crossed and the tracks are well maintained.
It is uphill all the way to Mt Cordeaux but somehow it does not feel as hard as it should: switchbacks made the grade fairly steady rather than steep. As you get neat the lookout, however, you do realise that you have risen a fair way. The views are spectacular; the forest is lovely; birds are heard everywhere but only a few species sighted.
Great walk - should have done it years ago.
我们选择了 Mt Cordeaux 步行,总共 6.8 公里,单程 3.4 公里。热带雨林很棒,许多不同的植被类型交叉,轨道维护得很好。
一直到 Mt Cordeaux 都是上坡,但不知何故感觉并没有想象中的那么难:折弯使坡度相当稳定而不是陡峭。然而,当你完成瞭望时,你确实意识到你已经上升了一个公平的方式。景色壮观;森林很可爱;到处都能听到鸟类的声音,但只能看到少数几种。
很棒的散步 - 几年前就应该这样做。