点评:It's been 6 years since I visited the Art Gallery in Sale... so it was high time that I made time to visit again. Catching up with my ex-husband, we had coffee and then went for a walk through the art gallery. I find galleries fascinating for different reasons to him... he sees art through his art-lense. I see art like a person looking through a kaleidoscope... bursts of colour. Rather like those who garner joy from kaleidoscopes I take a simple view of it and just enjoy.
I love that you can stand and look at a piece of art and wonder where the inspiration came to create it. Billions of people reside on our rock- they spend time here for a short time and some of them are led to inspire others- such as artists. Galleries, such as this one, are there to enjoy... I recommend everyone visit one and explore.
翻译:距离上次参观塞尔艺术画廊已经过去 6 年了……所以是时候再去一次了。我和前夫聊了聊,我们喝了咖啡,然后去艺术画廊散步。我发现画廊的魅力与他不同……他通过艺术镜头看待艺术。我看艺术就像一个人通过万花筒看东西……五彩缤纷。就像那些从万花筒中获得快乐的人一样,我简单地看待它并享受它。