点评:No reviews on here for almost a year. Why is that? Looked at this place online a few times last year and was unsure whether it was worth visiting. So what could we do about that? Visit it. So we did. Warm sunny afternoon. Got a space in the car park which is free but only has about 20 spaces.
We noticed people leaving at the right bottom corner of the car park. If we hadn't spotted them, we would have walked the longer way to it but it would not have been much of a walk.
It's a nice place from the start. Turned right after leaving the parking lot. There are many small platforms along the way and these are used by people fishing and people sitting and relaxing. Please note I wrote 'people fishing and not.......fishermen'
I am so 21st century
Saw a few birds. Usual coots, mallards, gulls, tufted duck, swan, cormorant, etc.
On the photos on this attraction there is a photo of an Oystercatcher. Would have loved to have seen that but sadly no.
We walked round to the other side and sat on one of the platforms and shared a romantic moment looking over the water eating our meal deals.
Will we return? Good question. I'm glad you asked
Yes we would
Now, can someone else review this, it's a great place for a relaxing walk
翻译:近一年来这里没有评论。为什么?去年在网上看过几次这个地方,不确定是否值得一游。那么我们能做些什么呢?去看看吧。所以我们去了。温暖阳光明媚的下午。在停车场找到了一个车位,是免费的,但只有大约 20 个车位。
我太 21 世纪了