点评:I was hesitant about going after reading so many negative reviews, but this place was great!
Yes, the ticket office staff don't understand English, but hey, you are in Vietnam. Fingers and Google translate work a treat!
Yes, the ticket office is 1km from the main developed area...enjoy the walk,ride or taxi in.
Choose the 150VND ticket option- it gets you two boat rides- the first to the bat cave, the second to the island where the flamingos, storks and egrets roost.
Best time to visit is early or late in the day. I'd recommend late in the day when birds are coming back to roost. As an added bonsus you then get to walk around the lovely gardens by lantern light...its delightful! Don't pay any attention to the review that described the gardens as dystopian- they are a labour of love.
是的,售票处距离主要开发区 1 公里... 步行、乘车或乘出租车即可到达。
选择 150 越南盾的票 - 可以乘两次船 - 第一次去蝙蝠洞,第二次去火烈鸟、鹳和白鹭栖息的岛屿。
最佳游览时间是清晨或傍晚。我建议在鸟儿回来栖息的傍晚。作为额外的奖励,你可以在灯笼下漫步在美丽的花园里......这真是令人愉快!不要在意那些将花园描述为反乌托邦的评论 - 它们是爱的结晶。