点评:This is a solid 40/45 minute walk from Chiran Peace museum, fortunately this is mostly downhill and safe to do, however if raining you may want a Taxi to make the trip if you dont have your own transport.
The traditional samurai gardens/residences are small & very neat all of which are situated along a small residential road, however when I visited in winter, all of the houses were closed with only some of the small gardens open for viewing. Suffice to say I didn't see a lot, and what I did see would no doubt look a lot better in the spring and summer. That said, those that were open were free (I did see that some of the residences closed off for the winter had signs outside suggesting a ticket was required for viewing). I could imagine if all open one could spend about 1-2 hours here.
翻译:从知览和平博物馆步行 40/45 分钟即可到达,幸运的是,这段路大部分都是下坡路,安全无虞,但如果下雨,如果您没有自己的交通工具,可能需要乘坐出租车。
传统的武士花园/住宅很小,非常整洁,都位于一条小型住宅道路沿线,但是当我在冬天参观时,所有房屋都关闭了,只有一些小花园开放供参观。我只能说我没有看到很多,而我看到的花园在春天和夏天无疑会更好看。话虽如此,那些开放的花园是免费的(我确实看到一些因冬天而关闭的住宅外面有标志,表明需要门票才能参观)。我可以想象,如果所有花园都开放,人们可以在这里待上大约 1-2 个小时。