点评:Read reviews that the lake is often crowded, so we deduced the best time to visit:
After 5pm - so that most daytime tourists would have left (yes, ghost town by 5:15pm);
Before 8am - to watch the morning mists for the ephemeral feels on this mountain lake.
Great decision!
With very few tourists left, the true residents - the animals came out to play. Witnessed:
- a Japanese white stork circling the lake house and half-submerged torii gate like it was at its own backyard playground;
- a sweet couple Mandarin ducks wandering around the streams leading to the lake
- a golden carp cutely circling before us (expecting food?), perhaps fulfilling the namesake of a "Kinrin" aka "金麟" in the lake... unicorn evolved to become a carp?
Without all the buzz, it was indeed a pretty and tranquil mountain lake. And like the famous Stellisee lake in Zermatt, we were able to capture the reflections of the mountain, the lake house, the outlines of the gorgeous deciduous and coniferous trees and little bit of morning mists rolling on the clear lake.
The beauty is there. Just got to be patient, visit at the right time to take it all in.
下午 5 点以后 - 这样大多数白天的游客都会离开(是的,下午 5:15 就成了鬼城);
早上 8 点之前 - 观看晨雾,感受这座山湖的短暂感觉。
游客所剩无几,真正的居民 - 动物们出来玩耍。目睹:
- 一只日本白鹳绕着湖边小屋和半淹没的鸟居门盘旋,就像在自家后院的游乐场一样;
- 一对甜蜜的鸳鸯在通往湖边的溪流中漫步
- 一条金鲤可爱地在我们面前盘旋(期待食物?),也许是在履行湖中“金麟”又名“金麟”的称号……独角兽进化成鲤鱼了?