点评:I did the full time 200hr authentic yoga teachers training at Swasti Yoga Center and it was a delight!
I wanted to learn authentic yoga, especially for my own development, but also to use it as a psychologist for my clients and in courses I give myself.
In the first place I wanted to follow a course accredited by the government of AYUSH so that I was sure it was an in-depth course. And for me, I liked that the course was one-on-one and in a group. The teachers have a lot of knowledge and wisdom.
In addition, I was able to live in an Indian family also an important reason that I chose this training.
I have been able to learn about yoga in depth and I got to know the rich Indian history, culture, daily life, kitchen, and so on from within.
It was a rich life-time experience, I can recommend Swasti Yoga Center highly!
翻译:我在 Swasti 瑜伽中心参加了 200 小时的全职正宗瑜伽教师培训,非常愉快!
这是一次丰富的终生体验,我强烈推荐 Swasti 瑜伽中心!