Best introduction to Aboriginal Culture in a walkabout in the Blue Mountains
Aboriginal Blue Mountains Walkabout的点评
点评:My dream of coming to Australia has always focused on learning about Aboriginal culture. I had a few days in Sydney before joining a hiking trip in the Outback. I was intrigued by a walkabout in the Blue Mountains to begin my experience in Aboriginal culture.
The walkabout with Evan Yanna Muru was everything I wanted and more. I was extra lucky because I was the only participant which allowed for open and deep discussions. The learning started with small steps, both in the walking and the stories. As the day progressed, the walking took us deeper into the forest, the stories became richer and deeper in their telling.
This walkabout with Evan became the foundation for my experiences in Sydney and the Outback. I learned so much. It was an honor to be shown the symbols carved in stone and to learn about the stories depicted.
Evan is patient and thorough. He lets you set the pace for how deep you want to go. In return, he was open and sharing. It was a special day, highly recommended to begin your journey into Aboriginal culture.
与 Evan Yanna Muru 一起散步是我想要的一切,甚至更多。我非常幸运,因为我是唯一允许进行公开和深入讨论的参与者。学习是从小步开始的,包括走路和讲故事。随着时间的推移,步行将我们带入了更深的森林,故事的讲述也变得更加丰富和深刻。
与 Evan 的这次徒步旅行成为我在悉尼和内陆体验的基础。我学到了很多。很荣幸能看到刻在石头上的符号并了解所描绘的故事。