点评:Safari Specialists are true professionals and did a fantastic job organizing our trip. Our consultant, Bronwyn, immediately understood what we were looking for and provided multiple great itineraries to choose from. As we had never been to Botswana before, it was really reassuring to rely on her expertise and recommendations. She was flexible and very responsive. I really liked being able to work with consultants who live in the country and have spent time at these locations and visiting the camps. While were were on the trip, we never had to worry about a thing. We joked that we were moved around like pieces of luggage, in the best way possible - we knew it was all taken care of, we were confident that all details were handled, and everything went like clockwork. Every pickup and dropoff was present and on-time, and the whole experience was seamless and tremendously well-organized. Really cannot recommend Safari Specialists enough!
翻译:Safari Specialists 是真正的专业人士,在组织我们的旅行方面做得非常出色。我们的顾问 Bronwyn 立即明白了我们的需求,并提供了多个很棒的行程供我们选择。由于我们之前从未去过博茨瓦纳,所以依靠她的专业知识和建议真的令人放心。她很灵活,反应迅速。我真的很喜欢能够与住在该国并在这些地方待过一段时间并参观过营地的顾问合作。在旅途中,我们从来没有担心过任何事情。我们开玩笑说,我们就像行李一样被移动,这是最好的方式——我们知道一切都得到了照顾,我们相信所有细节都得到了处理,一切都像钟表一样顺利。每次接送都很准时,整个体验无缝衔接,组织得非常好。真的不能不推荐 Safari Specialists!