Legacy History as Reminder of the Past to Learn and Go Forward
National Memorial for Peace and Justice的点评
点评:This outdoor venue gives a new perspective on the legacy of slavery and freedom with hanging metal memorials to the people who were mistreated and abused throughout US history. The sculpture pays tribute to the involved men, women, and children by showing them in their daily life. Tributes to various slavery incidents are posted on plaque to share details and dates.
The area is all wheel chair access with inclines and declines over the outdoor concrete ground.
Staff is extremely attentive and offers suggestions and information,
Restrooms near the entrance have grab bars, and 3ft X 3 ft space in stall.
Free First come first serve Scooters and wheelchairs.
A free shuttle bus provides frequent service between the Monument Park, The Legacy Museum (and adjoining Legacy Plaza), Boat ride, and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. The shuttle has a wheel chair lifts and tie downs. Admission to all 3 venues is $5. Boat ride additional cost.
入口附近的卫生间有扶手,还有 3 英尺 X 3 英尺的隔间空间。
免费穿梭巴士在纪念公园、遗产博物馆(和毗邻的遗产广场)、乘船游览和国家和平与正义纪念碑之间提供频繁的服务。班车配有轮椅升降机和系绳。所有 3 个场地的门票为 5 美元。乘船需额外付费。