点评:This impressive lengthy bridge of over 200 metres crosses the river Tay in 7 arches, and was devised by the brilliant Scottish engineer Thomas Telford . It took 3 years to construct and opened in 1809, with a toll charged by the Duke of Atholl for public usage . The toll eventually got dropped in 1879 after people started rioting because they believed , quite rightly , that they’d paid enough over the decades. Considering that this bridge was built over 2 centuries ago with only horses and carriages in mind at that time, it really is an amazing feat of engineering that it is still fully operational today with modern traffic and heavy loads using it. The views from the bridge over the lovely Tay, and the attractive Highland town make it an attraction worthwhile seeking out.
翻译:这座令人印象深刻的长桥超过 200 米,以 7 个拱门横跨泰河,由杰出的苏格兰工程师托马斯·特尔福德设计。历时 3 年建成,于 1809 年开通,由阿索尔公爵收取通行费供公众使用。在人们开始骚乱之后,通行费最终在 1879 年下降了,因为他们非常正确地相信,在过去的几十年里,他们已经付出了足够的代价。考虑到这座桥建于 2 个多世纪前,当时只考虑了马匹和马车,它确实是一项了不起的工程壮举,如今它仍然可以在现代交通和重载下完全投入使用。从桥上俯瞰可爱的泰河和迷人的高地小镇,这里是一个值得一游的景点。