点评:This sounds good and we purchased the program with the option to verify the discounts within 10 days. After trying to get a link and verifying information, there was no response and thus we decided to cancel immediately. This was in November 2022. They said the refund would be done within 30 days. We contacted them regularly and after 3 months were upset that nothing was done. The Essence travel staff were polite and forward the request each time to the manager, Alexis Rosas. This guy has ignored the refund request and after responding a few times saying they were having problems and leaving in the hands of accounting, he has ignored every other request over a year. We are now at June 2024 and it will be two years this November and every email has been ignored. This is not a trustworthy firm for cancelling any purchase. We have tried everything except the Mexican legal system which appears to be the only option. DO NOT trust the management if you ever have a dispute. With our refund plus Mexican interest, this is building to a substantial amount. We will see our options.
翻译:这听起来不错,我们购买了该计划,可以选择在 10 天内验证折扣。在尝试获取链接并验证信息后,没有回复,因此我们决定立即取消。这是 2022 年 11 月。他们说退款将在 30 天内完成。我们定期联系他们,3 个月后,我们很沮丧,因为他们什么也没做。Essence 旅行社的工作人员很有礼貌,每次都将请求转发给经理 Alexis Rosas。这家伙忽略了退款请求,在回复几次说他们遇到了问题并交给会计部门处理后,他一年来忽略了所有其他请求。现在是 2024 年 6 月,今年 11 月将是两年,每封电子邮件都被忽略了。这不是一家值得信赖的取消购买的公司。我们尝试了一切,除了墨西哥法律体系,这似乎是唯一的选择。如果您有争议,请不要相信管理层。我们的退款加上墨西哥利息,这笔钱正在积累到相当大的数额。我们会看看我们的选择。