点评:The owner's guided tour was phenomenal! She explained in English everything they do at their small artisan cheesemaking facility. Including the family history, how they make their Parmesan Reggiano and why they are allowed to use the official PDO name. Not only was their Parmesan Reggiano exceptional tasting, the tour was very informative and interesting.
We are starting an artisan cheesemaking facility in the USA and wanted to see how it was done in Parma, Italy. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone with any desire to learn about the Parmesan Reggiano cheesemaking process and about the stringent requirements that must be followed in order to make wonderful cheese for the public. The dedication of small artisan facilities like Caseificio Ugolotti who produce cheese needs to be admired and respected.
Thank you again for the lovely tour and the lovely cheese at the end of the tour. It was great to taste the different ages of parmesan and the pear flavored cider vinegar was the perfect combination. I only wish I could buy it here in America.
翻译:店主的导游服务非常棒!她用英语讲解了他们在小型手工奶酪制作工厂所做的一切。包括家族历史、他们如何制作帕尔马干酪以及为什么允许使用官方的 PDO 名称。他们的帕尔马干酪不仅味道非凡,而且这次参观非常有教育意义和趣味性。
我们在美国开设了一家手工奶酪制作工厂,想看看意大利帕尔马是如何制作的。我强烈推荐这次参观给任何想要了解帕尔马干酪制作过程以及必须遵循的严格要求的人,以便为公众制作出美味的奶酪。像 Caseificio Ugolotti 这样生产奶酪的小型手工工厂的奉献精神值得钦佩和尊重。