I have to say this was the most pleasurable experience that I have had to buy anything and especially expensive. I met Adam who is the general manager for the the bike stores. He was so so helpful and knowledgeable. He allowed me to test drive some bikes there to help educate me. He was not pushy at all He helped to take the time to show me online all the details to compare different bike features compared to the bikes. Adam also got back to my emails and a few calls as I was looking to spend 11-12K on this bike purchase. He wanted to make sure I was comfortable and confident with my purchase. Never once did I feel pressured or rushed in my decision. He also explained how Martys takes care of the bike and you after the purchase. It was clear that this is a family-run business with employees who care about the reputation and doing the right thing. On my second visit to try and make a decision, Adam brought one of the bikes from a different store to this location so I could make a more educated decision side by side with the other bike. On that visit, I met Jesse the owner of the bike stores. I felt as if I knew Jesse forever as well like we had been best friends. I met his son Jonah who was a very nice young man. Jesse's son actually joined me for a ride after I bought my bike. I loved the family feel of there and everyone was so nice. Jesse was exceptional in helping me make the best final choice & best for me I had the pleasure of working with two top-notch professional personable people. I feel anyone who is shopping for a bike should make Martys your personal bike store. I ended up buying a Pivot Shuttle am. I am just as happy I got the bike as I am when I bought it from such amazing nice family people. I also feel like I met 2 new friends I could be best friends with forever. This bike store is now a home for me. I felt I took my time looking around as I was searching for an expensive E mountain bike.I started off at a bike store in Basking Ridge. They tried to pull a fast one on me by selling me a 2022 bike as it was 2023 when I went home to look up reviews on that bike. They also tried to say that I would have free lifetime tune-ups when buying the bike from them. Well, my search went on to visit the TREK store in Stirling. There were a bunch of younger kids in high school trying to sell me a bike and couldn't answer the real hard questions I had about the differences. I did test drive 2 bikes there. At the TREK store, I felt as if they were pushy to get me to buy a bike that day. They didn't want me to leave without making a purchase. They keep asking to give a better price or try to see what more they can do. ANDREW BUCKWALD
我不得不说这是我买过任何东西而且特别贵的最愉快的经历。我遇到了亚当,他是自行车商店的总经理。他非常乐于助人而且知识渊博。他允许我在那里试驾一些自行车来帮助我接受教育。他一点也不咄咄逼人,他帮助我花时间在网上向我展示所有细节,以比较不同自行车的功能与自行车。 Adam 也回复了我的电子邮件和几个电话,因为我打算花 11-12K 购买这辆自行车。他想确保我对我的购买感到舒适和自信。我从来没有在做出决定时感到有压力或仓促。他还解释了马蒂斯在购买后如何照顾自行车和您。很明显,这是一家家族企业,员工关心声誉并做正确的事。在我第二次尝试做出决定时,亚当将其中一辆自行车从另一家商店带到了这个位置,这样我就可以与另一辆自行车并排做出更有根据的决定。在那次访问中,我遇到了自行车商店的老板杰西。我觉得我好像永远认识杰西,就像我们一直是最好的朋友一样。我遇到了他的儿子乔纳,他是一个非常好的年轻人。我买了自行车后,杰西的儿子实际上和我一起骑车。我喜欢那里的家庭氛围,每个人都很好。杰西非常出色地帮助我做出了最好的最终选择和最适合我的选择,我很高兴与两位顶尖的专业风度翩翩的人一起工作。我觉得任何购买自行车的人都应该把 Martys 作为您的个人自行车商店。我最终买了一辆 Pivot Shuttle am。我很高兴我得到了这辆自行车,就像我从如此出色的好家人那里购买它一样。我还觉得我认识了两个新朋友,我可以永远成为最好的朋友。这家自行车店现在是我的家。当我在寻找一辆昂贵的 E 山地自行车时,我觉得我花了很多时间环顾四周。我从巴斯金里奇的一家自行车商店开始。他们试图通过卖给我一辆 2022 年的自行车来快速对付我,因为当时我回家查看那辆自行车的评论时已经是 2023 年了。他们还试图说,当我从他们那里购买自行车时,我将获得终身免费调整。好吧,我继续搜索斯特灵的 TREK 商店。有一群高中的年轻孩子想卖给我一辆自行车,但无法回答我关于这些差异的真正棘手的问题。我在那里试驾了两辆自行车。那天在 TREK 商店,我感觉他们好像很咄咄逼人地让我买自行车。他们不想让我不买东西就离开。他们不断要求给出更好的价格,或者尝试看看他们还能做些什么。安德鲁·巴克沃尔德