点评:Having evolved from its micropub roots, the Dog and Duck in Bognor Regis has embraced tradition with a diverse array of cask ales, craft beers, and ciders, complemented by on-tap cocktails. Nestled in The Steine, their new premises exude a lively atmosphere.
Landlord Jamie Boyle’s warm welcome set the tone for a bustling evening. The pub buzzed with a mix of familiar faces and newcomers, creating a vibrant blend of patrons. During my visit, the musical trio Superstrings added to the lively ambiance with their dynamic repertoire, spanning Hot Club, Gypsy Jazz, Swing, and Bluegrass.
This establishment stands out in Bognor’s pub scene, offering a refreshing departure from the mainstream. The absence of commonplace selections like Doombar, Green King IPA, or Fosters reaffirms their commitment to quality ales. The Dog and Duck has seamlessly transitioned into a traditional pub, making it a must-visit for those seeking a genuine and diverse pub experience in Bognor Regis. Cheers to a new era!
翻译:博格诺里吉斯的 Dog and Duck 酒吧从微型酒吧发展而来,秉承传统,提供各种桶装啤酒、精酿啤酒和苹果酒,并辅以桶装鸡尾酒。他们的新址坐落在 The Steine,散发着活跃的气氛。
房东杰米·博伊尔 (Jamie Boyle) 的热烈欢迎为这个热闹的夜晚定下了基调。酒吧里挤满了熟悉的面孔和新来的人,营造出充满活力的顾客群。在我访问期间,音乐三重奏 Superstrings 以其充满活力的曲目增添了热闹的氛围,涵盖 Hot Club、吉普赛爵士乐、摇摆乐和蓝草音乐。
这家酒吧在博格诺的酒吧界中脱颖而出,与主流酒吧截然不同,令人耳目一新。 Doombar、Green King IPA 或 Fosters 等常见品种的缺席再次证明了他们对优质啤酒的承诺。 The Dog and Duck 已无缝转型为传统酒吧,对于那些在博格诺里吉斯寻求真正且多样化的酒吧体验的人来说,这里是必去之地。为新时代干杯!