点评:The town of Kalisz is home to two museums.
The official state museum, Muzeum Okregowe Ziemi Kaliskiej, is modern and efficient, with highly professional displays covering various aspects of Kalisz’s history and importance. Well worth a visit (but when I visited in May 2024 the explanatory panels were only in Polish; the curator promises that English text is planned).
For me the more exciting museum is the Muzeum im. G.J. Osiakowskich, also known as the Applied Arts Museum, run by the King Salomon Foundation in the center of the Kalisz old town.
This museum combines the expansive intellect of Oxford’s Pitt Rivers Museum, the atmosphere of an eccentric junk/antique shop, the quirkiness of an assemblage of a hoarder’s bits and pieces, and the eccentric genius of Andzej Banert, the museum’s founder, curator, and intellectual locomotive. It’s a small place, with about a dozen rstuff-filled ooms with artifacts on themes from the World War II period, the Jewish history of the city, an old pharmacy, rural life, trades such as carpenters and shoemakers. And dolls. Lots and lots of dolls. It’s one man’s very personal tribute to this charming city and well worth a visit. Spend some time with Andzej to better understand his unique vision.
官方国家博物馆 Muzeum Okregowe Ziemi Kaliskiej 既现代又高效,其展览高度专业,涵盖了卡利什历史和重要性的各个方面。非常值得一游(但我在 2024 年 5 月参观时,解说板只有波兰语;策展人承诺计划提供英文文本)。
对我来说,更令人兴奋的博物馆是 Muzeum im. G.J. Osiakowskich,也称为应用艺术博物馆,由国王所罗门基金会在卡利什老城中心经营。
这座博物馆结合了牛津皮特河博物馆的广阔智慧、古怪的旧货/古董店的氛围、囤积者零碎物品的奇特组合,以及博物馆创始人、策展人和知识火车头 Andzej Banert 的古怪天才。这个地方很小,大约有十几个装满东西的房间,里面摆满了各种文物,主题包括二战时期、这座城市的犹太人历史、一家老药房、乡村生活、木匠和鞋匠等行业。还有娃娃。很多很多的娃娃。这是一个人对这座迷人城市非常个人化的致敬,非常值得一看。花点时间和安德泽一起,更好地了解他的独特视角。