点评:As soon as you step in, brace yourself for the mask hustlers. They’ll try to sell you "anti-sulfur gas" face masks for 5,000 Rupiah, but let me save you the trouble—these things won’t protect you from anything except maybe a sense of regret. Just smile, nod, and keep walking.
Once you head down the stairs, the magic starts to unfold. The crater slowly reveals itself, and wow—what a view! It’s like nature said, “Nope, no construction projects ruining this masterpiece!” Pure, untouched beauty.
I stood there for a solid 20 minutes just soaking in the vibes of Kawah Putih (White Crater). Trust me, it’s worth pausing your life for that moment.
Quick heads-up: There are photographers lurking around, ready to snap your pics for a fee. I didn’t hire one, so I can’t say if their shots are Instagram-worthy or just "meh." You decide! Ask the price before accepting any services. They can't take your money if you don't give it to them.
翻译:一踏入,就要做好面对口罩骗子的准备。他们会试图以 5,000 卢比的价格向您推销“防硫气体”口罩,但让我帮您省去麻烦——这些东西除了可能让您感到后悔之外,什么都保护不了。只需微笑、点头,然后继续走。
我在那里站了整整 20 分钟,沉浸在 Kawah Putih(白色火山口)的氛围中。相信我,那一刻值得您暂停生活。
提醒一下:周围潜伏着摄影师,随时准备收费为您拍照。我没有雇摄影师,所以我不能说他们的照片是否值得在 Instagram 上晒,还是只是“一般般”。您自己决定!接受任何服务前先问清楚价格。如果你不给他们钱,他们就不能收你的钱。