点评:The ride itself is great. We had done it before and highly recommend it.
However, this day was spoiled due to the fact that because of the number of people in our group, we had to rent bikes from the concessionaire.
The bikes were terribly beat up. Out of the ten bikes we rented four were barely operable for a variety of reasons. One of the bikes suffered a flat about one mile beyond the tunnel. Of course the rental bikes had no tools or spare tubes to fix the flat. No one from the concessionaire was on the trail to offer assistance. We were left with on option but to complete the 12 mile ride with a flat rear tire. It wound up taking us about 4 hours to ride the course.On the way down we saw the carcasses of two other rental bikes that had suffered similar fates.
So, long story short, ride the trail, but take your own bike and be sure you have extra tubes, an inflator and tool kit.
自行车被严重损坏。我们租了十辆自行车,其中四辆由于各种原因几乎无法使用。其中一辆在隧道外约一英里处爆胎。当然,租来的自行车没有工具或备用内胎来修理爆胎。特许经营商也没有人在路上提供帮助。我们别无选择,只能在后胎爆胎的情况下完成 12 英里的骑行。我们最终花了大约 4 个小时才骑完这段路。下山的路上,我们看到了另外两辆遭遇类似命运的租赁自行车的残骸。