A fascinating, and a bit different, site
Bonawe Historic Iron Furnace的点评
点评:A really enjoyable couple of hours is to be had taking in everything that this site has to offer. The information boards are very informative, especially in the Iron Ore Shed, and really helped me understand what the furnace must have been like 200 years and more ago.
The site is a bit different from most HES sites I have visited in that it is industrial, rather than, regnal, social or military. For me, that just increased the fascination.
A very big shout out to HES staffer, Sam. His willingness to spend time answering questions significantly increased my understanding and enjoyment. Having staff that truly appreciate the special nature of a visitor attraction can take my own appreciation to a higher level and, Sam, you are such a staff member. Thank you.
Oh, and if you are a lover of pigeons, this place is for you!
翻译:真正令人愉快的几个小时可以让你领略到这个地方的一切。信息板非常有信息量,尤其是在铁矿石棚里,它真的帮助我了解了 200 多年前的熔炉是什么样子。
这个遗址与我参观过的大多数 HES 遗址略有不同,因为它是工业遗址,而不是王国、社会或军事遗址。对我来说,这更令人着迷。
非常感谢 HES 工作人员 Sam。他愿意花时间回答问题,这大大增加了我的理解和乐趣。拥有真正欣赏游客景点特殊性的工作人员可以让我自己更上一层楼,Sam,你真是个好员工。谢谢你。