点评:I've been here in the past, way back in the 70's. Back then, there were no stairs.
But, now there are stairs going down to the first falls, and from there, back up to a viewing location to see Devil's Kettle, and it connects to the Superior Hiking trail also.
The trail is a moderate mile in and mile out to see both the first falls and the Devil's Kettle. (Always wonder why the devil gets so much credit for things.)
Anyway, the kettle is a place in the river where it splits, part of it as a waterfall, and the other part dives into a big hole. The water from that comes out in Lake Superior through an underground channel. There is only one convenient (and safe) location to see it well, so a lot of the photos will look alike.
The trail starts fairly level from a parking lot. There is a kiosk there saying you need a park permit, but nowhere to buy one at that location, or even a day pass, or anything else for that matter. So, be aware of that.
Once you get to the first falls, there will be a small sign, with a small hand made arrow pointing to the stairs. And there are stairs, and stairs, and more stairs. But the falls and the kettle are beautiful and if you can handle stairs, worth the hike.
Past the view spot for Devil's Kettle, the trail continues on as the Superior Hiking Trail, often abbreviated as the SHT. This goes the length of Lake Superior in Minnesota.
翻译:我以前来过这里,那是在 70 年代。那时,这里没有楼梯。
经过魔鬼水壶的观景点,这条小径继续延伸,成为苏必利尔徒步小径,通常缩写为 SHT。这条小径沿着明尼苏达州苏必利尔湖的长度延伸。