点评:This area of the Breckenridge complex is best for brand-new/novice skiers and for solid Green and flat-groomed Blue skiers. It can be crowded, so be ready for some waits. The base area is well suited for rental, with a number of gear rental and retailers literally between the street and the base of the Quicksilver Super 6 chair. It can really move some people but on the weekends even this capacity is very quickly overwhelmed. If you are an experienced skier looking to get up the mountain, starting at the bottom of Peak 9 is probably not your best bet.
The Peak 9 lifts do directly service the somewhat hidden Falcon Super Chair to the top of Peak 10 and its Black-only runs down.
The Maggie is at the bottom of Peak 9, your typical ski snack bar, with overpriced and overcooked food. It's spacious, but fills up very quickly at lunchtime.
I found the staff support at the bottom of Peak 9 to be quite good, with very engaging and helpful folks at all stations. I arranged lessons for a couple in my party and liked all of the instructors.
翻译:Breckenridge 综合体的这个区域最适合全新/新手滑雪者以及坚实的绿色和平坦修饰的蓝色滑雪者。它可能很拥挤,所以要做好等待的准备。基地区域非常适合出租,在街道和 Quicksilver Super 6 椅子的基地之间有许多装备租赁和零售商。它确实可以让一些人感动,但在周末,即使是这种能力也会很快被淹没。如果您是一位经验丰富的滑雪者,想要上山,那么从 9 号峰底部开始可能不是您的最佳选择。
Peak 9 升降机确实直接将有点隐蔽的 Falcon Super Chair 带到了 Peak 10 的顶部,并且它的 Black-only 向下运行。
Maggie 位于 Peak 9 的底部,这是典型的滑雪小吃店,提供价格过高和过度烹饪的食物。它很宽敞,但在午餐时间很快就会填满。
我发现 Peak 9 底部的工作人员支持非常好,所有站点都有非常有吸引力和乐于助人的人。我为我的派对中的一对夫妇安排了课程,并且喜欢所有的教练。