点评:The Goldbelt Tram (formerly the Mount Roberts Tram) is located just steps off the cruise ship dock. In operation since 1996, it makes a six-minute ascent up Mount Roberts from the lower terminal to a height of about 1,800 feet. A restaurant, theater, and retail shop are located at the top of the tramway, as well as connections to various trails.
We wanted to take the tram up the mountain but the top was shrouded in clouds for most of the day. However, it did clear late in the day, so we opted to go up. That said, there was a world of difference between 2018 and 2024. In 2018, the weather was perfect. It was a beautiful, clear day and one could see for miles. The mountains were pristine and snowcapped. This year, while clear, it was still dull and a bit misty and the mountains were dull and shrouded in cloud. Also, when we visited in 2018, it was peak season. There was an injured bald eagle on display, as well as a number of other displays and demonstrations – things missing during this off season visit. On the other hand, there were no crowds and some items in the gift shop were deeply discounted.
翻译:金带缆车(原名罗伯茨山缆车)距离游轮码头仅几步之遥。自 1996 年开始运营以来,从罗伯茨山的下站到海拔约 1,800 英尺,只需六分钟。缆车顶部设有餐厅、剧院和零售店,以及通往各种小径的连接。
我们想乘坐缆车上山,但山顶大部分时间都笼罩在云层中。不过,当天晚些时候天气放晴,所以我们选择上山。话虽如此,2018 年和 2024 年还是有天壤之别的。2018 年的天气非常好。天气晴朗,视野开阔。群山原始,白雪皑皑。今年,虽然天气晴朗,但仍然阴沉,有点雾蒙蒙的,群山阴沉,云雾弥漫。此外,我们 2018 年去的时候正是旺季。展览中有一只受伤的白头鹰,以及许多其他的展览和演示——这是淡季参观时缺少的东西。另一方面,这里人不多,礼品店里的一些商品打折力度很大。