点评:Beautiful modern building. The main floor and upper balcony is mostly artwork. The actual museum is the whole lower level. It's a long maze of passageways through the chronological passage of civilization. I enjoy artifacts and plaques explaining historical events and stories. But I think children would probably find it boring. They tried to make it realistic and interesting by having the floors made out of stones, bricks, boards, and coal. But for anybody with limited mobility issues, it makes getting around more stressful. Plus they purposely have many rooms dimly lit, to create atmosphere and then highlight special exhibits with direct lighting. It may create an atmosphere, but it makes it harder to see some of the non highlighted exhibits, and were to put your feet as you walk. There's plenty to learn about West Virginia and it's history. But I would suggest they tried too hard to make it artistic and ended up making it less appealing to old folks and children. It's free, and they have some free literature. You can go through quickly in an hour, or slow down and learn much more in three hours.