点评:You arrive not expecting too much. This is not a prepossessing place, and indeed reads rather 'small' - But wait until your docent starts explaining things. She - and I have to guess I got the lady in charge and you will too - could stare down a bison while reciting 19th century factoids, all the while making you feel at home (or slightly awkward if that's what you deserved). Seriously, an absolute delight. The history is as comprehensive as you wish, the tour is unhurried (you may be the only person present) and the sense of connection - docent to house is very high. Actually I regret not buying a tchotchke in the gift shop just to support them. I should have and forgot. Also, beautiful gardens with lily varieties I had not seen before - happened upon them in full bloom.
翻译:您到达时不要期待太多。这不是一个令人赏心悦目的地方,而且确实看起来相当“小” - 但等到您的讲解员开始解释事情时,您就会明白。她 - 我不得不猜我找到了一位负责的女士,您也会找到 - 可以一边盯着一头野牛,一边背诵 19 世纪的趣闻轶事,同时让您有宾至如归的感觉(或者如果这是您应得的,会有点尴尬)。说真的,绝对是一种享受。历史如您所愿一样全面,游览从容不迫(您可能是唯一在场的人),而且讲解员与房屋的联系感非常强烈。实际上,我很后悔没有在礼品店买点小玩意来支持他们。我应该买的,但忘了。此外,美丽的花园里有我以前从未见过的百合品种 - 碰巧看到它们盛开。