点评:Great trip. We arrived at approximately 11:45 am and made our way towards the entrance of the gate. There was an informational plaque located at the entrance of the gate, that went over some background information on the gate itself. There was a path directly next to the gate named Paseo del Morro that took us alongside the water to Castillo San Felipe del Morro. The trail offered stunning views of the water, and the old city wall. We were able to admire the architecture and reflect on how long it took to build the structure. The trail was relatively easy, and consisted of walking on a flat, paved surface for a majority of the walk. There were more informational plaques located on the trail that detailed the history of the area. The trail was uncovered so I recommend wearing sunscreen and protective clothing because it was extremely hot on the day that we went.
Tip: I recommend spending 45 minutes walking the trail and admiring the gate.
翻译:很棒的旅行。我们大约在上午 11:45 到达,然后朝大门入口走去。大门入口处有一块信息牌,上面介绍了大门本身的一些背景信息。大门旁边有一条名为 Paseo del Morro 的小路,沿着这条小路可以带我们沿着水边到达 Castillo San Felipe del Morro。这条小路可以欣赏到水和古城墙的壮丽景色。我们可以欣赏建筑,并思考建造这座建筑花了多长时间。这条小路相对容易,大部分路程都是在平坦的铺砌路面上行走。小路上还有更多的信息牌,详细介绍了该地区的历史。这条小路没有覆盖,所以我建议涂上防晒霜和防护服,因为我们去的那天天气非常热。
提示:我建议花 45 分钟沿着这条小路行走并欣赏大门。