点评:We were fortunate to hike Mt. Qua Qua with Densil. The weather was in our favor, with no rain during our trek. Although the trail was quite muddy and steep in places, we thoroughly enjoyed our hike. Densil was very experienced and directed us where to go to avoid the biggest mud puddles, and warned us about the blade grass which nevertheless left a few small bloody marks on us :-) The trail featured significant elevation changes, and Densil provided each of us with a walking stick, teaching us how to use them effectively on the slippery, muddy descents. We loved the varied terrain, which offered both lush jungle sections and stunning views of the mountains and sea. The brisk wind created a pleasant rustling through the trees and kept us cool throughout the hike—with the added bonus of keeping mosquitoes away. I highly recommend both this hike and Densil as a guide.
翻译:我们很幸运能和 Densil 一起徒步 Qua Qua 山。天气对我们很有利,徒步期间没有下雨。虽然这条路有些地方泥泞陡峭,但我们还是非常享受这次徒步。Densil 经验丰富,他告诉我们去哪里可以避开最大的泥坑,并警告我们小心草叶,尽管如此,草叶还是在我们身上留下了一些小血痕 :-) 这条路的海拔高度变化很大,Densil 给我们每个人都提供了一根手杖,教我们如何在湿滑、泥泞的下坡路上有效地使用它们。我们喜欢这里多样的地形,既有茂密的丛林,也有令人惊叹的山海景色。微风吹过树林,发出沙沙的声音,让我们在整个徒步过程中都感到凉爽——还有额外的好处,可以驱赶蚊子。我强烈推荐这次徒步和 Densil 作为向导。