点评:This glorious beach is so beautiful and the environment so still stunning despite the many tourists. I did get the impression that the wildlife is suffering due to tourism but I realised that the tropical fish and other spectacular sea life have simply moved to nearby quieter coves. This was apparent when I visited places like Lucea where wildlife is thriving. The water at 7 mile is surprisingly clean and clear and the beach is kept litter free. One section of the beach is taken up by a large sprawling hotel. It made me angry that the section of beach adjacent is gauged and they appear to be stopping locals who should have the right to access. Please stop allowing high hotels to take up swaths of this beautiful beach! Money isn’t everything. The local community was visibly missing which took away from the authenticity of this place.
翻译:这个美丽的海滩如此美丽,尽管游客众多,但环境仍然令人惊叹。我确实感觉到野生动物因旅游业而遭受苦难,但我意识到热带鱼和其他壮观的海洋生物只是搬到了附近更安静的海湾。当我参观野生动物繁衍生息的卢西等地方时,这一点显而易见。7 英里处的水出奇地干净清澈,海滩上没有垃圾。海滩的一部分被一家大型酒店占据。让我生气的是,相邻的海滩部分被测量,他们似乎在阻止应该有权进入的当地人。请不要让高级酒店占据这片美丽的海滩!金钱不是万能的。当地社区明显缺失,这让这个地方失去了真实性。