点评:Levera Beach is spectacular. I will say it's a bit of a drive from the main stay in Grenada, Grande Anse beach and surrounding areas. When I first read reviews and checked distance my husband and I decided it probably wasn't' worth the hour plus drive. Well that day came when we rented a car, and decided lets give it a go. First this is not about the beach, but if you do rent a car in Grenada you need to be a highly skilled and trained race car driver with the ability to navigate hair pin turns on a one lane road with two way traffic. That's all I'll say about that. Oh wait one more thing don't be afraid of heights. Anyways back to this fabulous beach. We arrived to what appeared to be a dirt road/parking lot so it's easily missed, if you use navigation on your phone it will guide you right there. Stumbled out of the car eager to have made it to this beauty of the northeastern island. WOW this beach with picturesque views, not a single sole in sight on the beach, 3 security guards, operating potty's and pure exclusion. Set up our area and started to explore. The only sounds were the breaking of the waves and the sound of birds. Sand is a little darker and caramel colored, there is very little shade except near parking. None of this bothered us. I walked as far as I could for well over 40 minutes and never encountered another person, my husband snorkeled and found the two gems pictured below. We were there for about 3 hours. Had lunch and headed back out. I do know tours go to this beach. We also heard that in the right months there are large mama turtles that lay there eggs on this very beach. See even the turtles in Grenada know what a great beach this is.
翻译:莱韦拉海滩非常壮观。我想说从格林纳达的主要住宿地格兰德安斯海滩和周边地区开车到那里有点远。当我第一次阅读评论并检查距离时,我和丈夫认为它可能不值得开车一个多小时。那天我们租了一辆车,决定试一试。首先这与海滩无关,但如果你在格林纳达租车,你需要成为一名技术高超且训练有素的赛车手,能够在双向交通的单车道上驾驶急转弯。关于这一点,我要说的就这些。哦,等一下,还有一件事,不要恐高。不管怎样,回到这个美妙的海滩。我们到达的地方看起来像是一条土路/停车场,所以很容易错过,如果你使用手机导航,它会引导你到那里。我们跌跌撞撞地走下车,迫不及待地想来到这个美丽的东北岛屿。哇,这个海滩风景如画,看不到一个人影,有 3 名保安,有厕所,完全与世隔绝。我们布置好区域,开始探索。唯一的声音是海浪拍打和鸟儿的鸣叫。沙子有点暗,是焦糖色的,除了停车场附近,几乎没有阴凉处。这些都没有打扰到我们。我尽可能地走了 40 多分钟,没有遇到其他人,我的丈夫浮潜,发现了下面图片中的两颗宝石。我们在那里呆了大约 3 个小时。吃过午饭后就回去了。我知道有旅游团去这个海滩。我们还听说,在合适的月份,会有大海龟妈妈在这个海滩上产卵。看看格林纳达的海龟就知道这是一个多么棒的海滩。